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Intro to Note Manager

Table of Contents


Audience: Loan Servicers or Collectors, Upper Management, Developers, Accounting, Loan Servicing/Collections Managers, Administrators, Compliance, Data


Within the servicing section of a loan, Note Manager/Alerts are a record of past servicing efforts on the account. You can add notes, which will be stored here to create a manual record of how agent users have modified the loan and made collections efforts. Other tools here are automatic, and will gather and store loan data on their own.

This article will briefly explain what each tool in the Note Manager/Alerts tab inside of a loan does and how it fits into your loan servicing efforts. It will also link to articles with more information about how to use each individual tool. 

What is Note Manager?

There are five tools in within Note Manager:

Tool Description

These simple notes are a free-text box where a servicer can write anything about the account. This might be a good place to store information that doesn't fit well elsewhere, like "This borrower is busy most weeknights but almost always picks up the phone on Wednesdays."

You can also add Quick Notes, which are your own pre-saved templates for common messages like “Wrong Number” or “Left Voicemail”.

Actions & Results Actions and results are specially-formatted notes that let servicers and collections agents easily record their actions and what happened as a result. At the tenant-level, you can create the list of available actions and results that agents will choose from.
Loan Alert Loan Alerts allow servicers to setup alerts on a loan's account that they want visible and separate from the account notes. Other alerts that can be set at the tenant-level are explained more in our Intro to Alerts article.
Audit Trail Audit Trail at the loan-level provide an audit trail for each individual account. You'll be able to see a comprehensive record of what changes have been made on the loan, and who made them.
Webhooks If you have notifications configured to send out webhooks, this section can show a history of the webhooks sent out regarding an individual loan. You can also use this page to resend any webhooks that have failed.

Where do Notes Fit?

If you make good note-taking a part of your everyday loan servicing operation, you'll have two long-term benefits when you look back.

  • Compliance: When something goes wrong, you're going to want to look back and see what happened. System notes, loan alerts, and webhooks are all great for this, offering an automatic audit trail of what's happened on the loan and what's been communicated to your custom application.
  • Data Analytics: If your notes are standardized, you'll be able to compare across accounts or agents to see how effective your servicing and collections efforts are.

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Before you move on to articles about each specific tool, let's clear up some possible misunderstandings:

  • Audit Trail are not a record of the entire system. System notes within an individual loan only track that account. Global Audit Trail, on the other hand, track tenant-level activity.
  • This isn't where you set up Webhooks. They're configured with Event-based and Trigger-based Notifications.

What's Next?

With an understanding of what Notes are and how they fit into your lending operation, you're ready to read about each of the individual tools and start using them in the software:

You might also want to check out the rest of our Loan Servicing category, which has articles about all the different servicing tools and pages within an account.

Written by Andy Morrise

Updated on April 11th, 2024

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