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Intro to Servicing Queues (formerly known as Collector Queues)

Assign groups of loans to collections agents.

Table of Contents


Audience: Loan Servicers or Collectors, Upper Management, Developers, Accounting, Loan Servicing/Collections Managers, Administrators, Compliance, Data


The servicing queue lets you group loans together and assign them to agents for servicing. The queue makes their tasks more manageable by cutting out the need to search for individual loans: with all of their assigned loans in one place, an agent can move from loan to loan without stopping to navigate the software. After agents are assigned to loans, they can start the process of going through every loan assigned to them.

This article is a basic overview on what the servicing queue is and how you can use it. If you understand the premise and want to learn how to create your own servicing queues, feel free to skip to our Create a Servicing Queue article.

Use Case: Approval Audits

Use Case: Collector Queue/Account Audits

The Problem

A lending company receives a large amount of loan applications. When they receive these new applications, they typically have their servicing agents perform an audit before pushing the applications forward. A servicing agent thus begins their audit list of hundreds of applications with a sigh. They'll have to individually search for each application in the system. This will take a good chunk of time out of their work day when they could be tending to other pressing servicing tasks. 

LoanPro's Solution

LoanPro's Servicing Queue is an efficient tool that accelerates a variety of servicing tasks. It allows companies to group loans together and assign them to servicing agents in one place. The agent can quickly start their audits as they work through the loan applications pulled up for them within the queue. There are also configurable that can be used to ensure tasks are completed thoroughly and accurately. Audits now become a quick and seamless process as agents move from loan to loan in the queue, turning their focus primarily on the actual auditing process itself.


Use Case: Escalation Process

Use Case: Collector Queue/Escalation Process

The Problem:

Some borrowers requested special treatment on their loans, like advancements, forgiveness on late fees, or changes to their due date. The servicer wanted to help, but knew the company's policy that only managers can approve those changes. They compiled the list into an email and sent it off to their supervisor . . . and it got lost in a full inbox and a busy schedule. A few days later, they sent the list again, and then a third time after that. But by the time the manager happened across the email, the situation on each of those loans had changed drastically, and the borrowers were understandably frustrated. The company missed an opportunity for timely, top-notch service not because they didn't want to give it, but because their communication was handled outside of their servicing core.

LoanPro's Solution:

In LoanPro, you can build an automatic system to organize the loans that need to be escalated and notify the responsible managers. When a servicer runs into a problem that needs their manager's approval or expertise, they can send it to them with a simple button click. Managers receive a list of the loans that need their attention and can handle them with ease. Here's how:

  1. Create a Smart Tag for escalation. (If you have multiple teams to handle escalations for different problems, you'd want to create Smart Tags for each.) 
  2. Create an Agent Walkthrough where agents add the Smart Tag.
  3. Create a scheduled report that includes all loans with the escalation Smart Tag and sends to the servicing queue.

You'll stay efficient, keep your workflow organized, and cut down on noise in your communication channels.



Servicing queues are groups of loans that you can assign to agents, and you can create these groups through LoanPro's standard search. For example, you can queue a group of loans that are 30-60 days past due and assign them to agents. If you have a large team and a lot of loans, multiple assigned users can work on the queue simultaneously. Non-assigned users can still work through a queue as well, even working with multiple other users simultaneously. If multiple users are working through the servicing queue, the queue will ensure that each loan is only presented to one user. When working through the queue, there is a configurable checklist where agents can record the outcome of work on each loan (e.g. autopay scheduled, payment made, etc.).

The Process

  1. Queue the specific loans you want included in the servicing queue
  2. Configure the queue
  3. Assign agent users to specific groups of loans

From there, the agent users can log in and start making their collections efforts. Our article Create a Servicing Queue shows exactly how to set them up.

Where Does Servicing Queue Fit? 

Collections are a core function of any lender's business model. LMS is designed to help you keep track of your loans, and that includes collections efforts. Any lender with a large number of loans needs a way to ensure that delinquent loans get regular attention. Recording collections efforts is important in ensuring that you are contacting borrowers an appropriate amount and in appropriate ways.

This Feature is Not 

  • Servicing queues are not agent walkthroughs. Both of these LMS tools simplify our UI by helping users navigate on a set course. The difference is that while servicing queues move users from loan to loan, agent walkthroughs only navigate within an individual loan. That means these tools work well in tandem: Create a walkthrough for a routine servicing task, and then create a servicing queue that includes all the loans that need to be serviced. Your agents will be able to significantly cut down their time spent navigating from page to page, increasing their speed, efficiency, and confidence with the software.
  • Servicing queue notes are not general notes on the loan. While the tool offers users the ability to leave notes, you should not fully replace your note-taking practices with the servicing queue. The notes you make in the process of going through each individual loan in the servicing queue will not be saved inside a specific loan but are only saved in the servicing queue.

What’s Next?

Now that we've covered the basics, your next step is creating your own servicing queue. If you would like to learn more about creating a servicing queue, see Create a Servicing Queue.

Written by Andy Morrise

Updated on July 27th, 2024

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