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Import CSV templates

The import tool lets you add, update, or delete information in bulk by uploading a specially-formatted .csv file. These files are spreadsheets and can be edited with software like Excel, Google Sheets, SPSS, or OpenOffice Calc. If you don't have any of these, we recommend you download OpenOffice for free.

It's important that the .csv files are formatted exactly right. Every column header needs to be spelled correctly, and every cell needs to be the right data type. For that reason, a template file can be a great help. You can find them inside the LoanPro UI by navigating to Settings > Company > Import > Instructions & Samples, but we've also included them all in this article. We've also include example files that give a row or two of data, showing what each field would look like.


Here are the templates for customer-related imports. 

Import Empty .csv file Example file
Information customerInfoSample.csv  customerInfoSample.csv
Payment Profiles paymentProfilesSample.csv paymentProfileExample.csv
References referencesSample.csv referencesExample.csv
Note Manager customerNotesSample.csv customerNotesExample.csv
Custom Fields customFieldSample.csv customFieldExample.csv
Tool Actions customerToolsSample.csv customerToolsExample.csv
Access customerLinkToLoanSample.csv customerLinkToLoanExample.csv

Loan account 

These are the imports related to loans.

Import Empty .csv file Example file
Setup loanSetupSample.csv loanSetupExample.csv
Settings loanSettingsSample.csv loanSettingsExample.csv
AutoPay autopaySample.csv autopayExample.csv
Smart Checklist checklistSample.csv checklistExample.csv
Collateral  collateralSample.csv collateralExample.csv
Custom Fields customFieldSample.csv customFieldExample.csv
Insurance Tracking insuranceSample.csv insuranceExample.csv
Note Manager notesSample.csv notesExample.csv
Loan Alert loanAlertSample.csv loanAlertExample.csv
Promises promisesSample.csv promisesExample.csv
Linking linkLoanSample.csv linkLoanExample.csv
Enroll Recurring Charge recurringCharges.csv recurringChargesExample.csv
Enroll Loan Settings Rules Applied ruleAppliedSettings.csv ruleAppliedExample.csv
Enroll Credits Rules Applied ruleAppliedCredits.csv ruleAppliedCreditsExample.csv
Enroll APD Reset Rules Applied ruleAppliedAPD.csv ruleAppliedAPDExample.csv
Enroll Loan Checklist Rules Applied ruleAppliedChecklist.csv ruleAppliedChecklistExample.csv
Enroll Change Due Date Rules Applied ruleAppliedChangeDueDate.csv ruleAppliedChangeDueDateExample.csv
Enroll Stop Due Interest Date Rules Applied ruleAppliedStopInterest.csv ruleAppliedStopInterestExample.csv
Enroll Account Tools Rules Applied ruleApplied.csv ruleAppliedAccountToolsExample.csv
Enroll Customer Tools Rules Applied ruleApplied.csv ruleAppliedCustomerToolsExample.csv
Actions and Results actionsAndResults.csv actionsAndResultsExample.csv
Bankruptcy bankruptcySample.csv bankruptcyExample.csv
Simple Roll Schedule scheduleRollSample.csv scheduleRollExample.csv
Actions loanToolsSample.csv loanToolsExample.csv
Link Portfolios loanPortfoliosSample.csv loanPortfoliosExample.csv

Loan transactions

These are all of the imports dealing with transactions.

Import Empty .csv file Example file
Payment Custom Fields customPaymentFieldSample.csv  



Recovery Payments paymentsRecoverySample.csv paymentsRecoveryExample.csv
Charges chargesSample.csv chargesExample.csv
Advancements advancementsSample.csv advancementsExample.csv
Credits creditSample.csv creditExample.csv
Suspend/Resume Interest endInterestSample.csv endInterestExample.csv
Change Due Date dueDateChangeSample.csv dueDateChangeExample.csv
Escrow Adjustments escrowAdjustmentsSample.csv escrowAdjustmentsExample.csv
Escrow Settings escrowSubsetOptionsSample.csv escrowSubsetOptionsExample.csv
Escrow Transactions escrowTransactionSample.csv escrowTransactionExample.csv
Escrow Disbursement escrowDisbursementSample.csv escrowDisbursementExample.csv
Charge Off Transaction chargeOffSample.csv chargeOffExample.csv
Amount Past Due Adjustments apdAdjustment.csv apdAdjustmentExample.csv
Days Past Due Adjustments dpdAdjustment.csv dpdAdjustmentExample.csv
Funding Transactions – Other fundingTransactionsSample.csv fundingTransactionsExample.csv

Company settings

Imports for tenant-wide settings, namely source companies and portfolios.

Import Empty .csv file  
Source Company Information sourceCompanySample.csv sourceCompanyExample.csv
Source Company Custom Fields sourceCompanyCustomFieldsSample.csv sourceCompanyCustomFieldsExample.csv
Portfolio portfolioSample.csv portfolioExample.csv
Sub Portfolio subPortfolioSample.csv subPortfolioExample.csv
