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Customer details

All the information saved on an individual borrower.

A customer in LoanPro is an individual or company that can be associated with an account. You can access customers' information either through the accounts they’re linked to or through the customer manager. In either case, you’ll be able to view and edit their information.

Each customer’s page is divided into several sections listed on the left. 

Contact & Personal Information

The Contact & Personal Information tab is broken into four different sections—Summary, Contact Information, Additional Information, and History.


The top section of the summary page provides a quick glance at some of the customer's general information, such as the Customer Type, Status, Username, Primary Phone Number, Email, and Primary Address. 

For the Primary Address, you can see if the address has been verified and validated. If it hasn't you'll see two red icons next to the address. Address Validator is available for addresses inside the United States. To verify addresses, LoanPro uses an integration with the United States Postal Service (USPS). To verify the customer's address, click the red 'x' to the right of the customer's primary address. If the address is not verified, you will get a response of 'Error: Address Not Found'. For more information on this process, check out our article USPS Address Verify & Validate

This section will also include their photo if they have one uploaded to their account. If the customer does not have a photo uploaded, you can upload one by hovering over the avatar and clicking the camera icon.

Below their information is a ‘Credit Score’ section that shows the customer’s credit score from each of the major credit bureaus, including an average of all the scores. Our article Pulling Credit Scores provides more information on this process. 

The bottom section of the summary page contains the following fields:

Field Description
Customer Type The customer type: individual, flooring, or company.
ID The customer ID
Import ID This is the import ID
Status Whether the customer is Active or Inactive. Statuses are customizable.
Name The name of the customer
Generation Code If the customer has a generation code, such as Jr., Sr., etc., it will appear in this field. 
SSN The identification number of the customer. If the customer type is company or flooring you have the option to use EIN, otherwise this will be either SSN or SIN depending on whether the customer is from the U.S. or Canada.
Sell/Transfer Personal Information  This option is for CCPA compliance and allows you to keep track of which customers request their information not to be sold or transferred.
Driver's License Number The customer's drivers license number.
Date Of Birth The customer's date of birth.
Gender The customer's gender (male, female, other, or N/A). 
Email The customer's email address.
Primary Phone The customer's primary phone number. The icon next to the Primary Phone allows you to set the phone number as "Do Not Call" or as "Calls Allowed". You can verify a phone number by clicking the 'checkbox' listed next to it. The colored key icon means that this phone number is the customers primary phone number. The grey key icon means that it's the customers secondary phone number.
Username The username the customer can use to log in to the customer-facing website.
Password The customer's password for web access.

Contact information

The Contact Information tab will have a map view of the Primary and Mailing Address. You can verify and validate the addresses here if they have not already been verified or validated. You can also view the map in Google Maps by clicking ‘Open In Google Maps’.

If the customer has any social media profiles listed in their account, they will show up on the right side under ‘Social Profiles’. 


Additional information

The ‘Additional Information’ tab will have any additional customer information recorded through custom fields. You can learn about how to add these custom fields to your tenant in our article custom fields overview



When you make changes to a customer file, the changes are recorded by LoanPro. Information about changes to this section can be found in the 'History' tab.


Editing Contact & Personal Information

To edit any of the tabs within Contact & Personal Information, click the ‘Edit’ button at the top right. The edit area for tab is divided into five sections: General Information, Contact Information, Mailing Information, Web Access Information, and Additional Information.

General information

This section has fields where you can specify the following:

Field Description
Customer Type The customer type: individual, flooring, or company.
*Company Name The name of the company. *This option is only available for company and flooring customers.
*ID Number Type Choose whether to use the SSN or EIN. *This option is only available for company and flooring customers.
Import ID The import ID assigned to the customer. Import ID is assigned by you so you can know an ID for the customer during the process.
*Contact Name The name of the contact at the company. *This option is only available for company and flooring customers.
*Social Security Number/Social Insurance Tracking Number/Employer Identification Number The identification number of the customer. *If the customer type is company or flooring you have the option to use EIN, otherwise this will be either SSN or SIN depending on whether the customer is from the U.S. or Canada.
Status The status of the customer.
First Name  This is the first name of the customer.
Middle Name This is the customers middle name.
Last Name  Last names are formatted automatically by the system to start with a capital letter and all subsequent letters are put into lowercase. If you check the Do Not Case Format checkbox, the last name will not be given the default formatting. This is useful for names like McDonald that need two capital letters.
Driver License Number The customer’s driver license number.
Date of Birth The customer's date of birth
Gender The customer's gender. 
Generation Code This is the borrower’s generation code if applicable (e.g. jr., sr., III).
Phone Number The customer’s phone number.  You can add as many phone numbers for a customer as you want.  The phone number consists of a drop-down and a field.  Select the type of phone number you are entering from the drop-down menu (e.g. “Cell”). Click the plus icon to add another phone number. To have LoanPro lookup what carrier the phone number belongs to, click the question mark.
Sell/Transfer Personal Information This option is for CCPA compliance and allows you to keep track of which customers request their information not to be sold or transferred.

Contact information

The contact information section is where you enter the primary address and email address for the customer. You can also use LoanPro’s social profiles integration.

The following options are available in this section:

Fields Description
Address The customer’s primary street address. Check the Verify this address box if you want this address to be verified through USPS when the customer information is saved.
ZIP Code/Postal Code The ZIP code/Postal code of the customer’s primary address. The city and state will automatically be decoded from the ZIP code. ZIP code decoding is controlled by your Connections Account.
City The city where the customer’s primary address is located.
State/Province The State or Province where the customer’s primary address is located.
Country The country in which the customer’s primary address is located.
Email The customer's email.



Mailing information

The Mailing Information section lets you put in the customer's mailing address for customer communication. 

If you want the mailing address to be the same as the primary address, check the ‘Use primary address as mailing address’ box. 


Web access information

Web Access Information lets you create a username and password for the customer to use to access the customer website

The Username field will default to the customer’s contact email address. If no email address has been entered, the Username will default to the customer's first and last name entered as one word. Feel free to change that to anything you want. Enter a password for the customer in the Password field. The password requirements can be seen to the right of the field. Each requirement will become bold when that requirement is met.


Additional information

This Additional Information tab is where custom fields are listed. Use this page to update the custom fields you have stored within your account.



There are three sections of information that you can edit—General Information, Contact Information, and Additional Information. 

Employer information

Most of the information in this section is pretty straightforward. One thing to pay special attention to is the 'Income' and 'Income Frequency' fields. The income amount you enter is dependent on the Income Frequency selection (annually, monthly, weekly, etc.). The 'Next Pay Date' and 'Pay Date Frequency' fields are designed to help you configure AutoPays so you anticipate which days of the week are best for the borrower to make payments on their loan.

Below, in the Contact Information section, you can enter the employer's address. You can check that the address is in the USPS system with the ‘Verify this address’ checkbox.


Additional information

This section will contain any customer custom fields that you've created in your company account. These fields are meant to track any information that is not native to the system's defaults. 


History tab

The History tab on the main Employer page will show you a history of changes made to the customer's employer information by your agent users.

If you want to download an update in the JSON format, click the downwards arrow on the far right of the entry. 


Payment profiles

This area allows you to add payment profiles (credit/debit cards, bank accounts) to the customer, saving them in LoanPro's PCI-compliant tokenization system, Secure Payments. For details on the full process, view the following guide:


On the references page, click “Add” to add a new reference.

Enter the name, relationship, phone numbers, and/or address for the reference, then click ‘Save’.

Once the reference has been saved, it will be displayed on the "References" page. You have the ability to edit or delete any existing references. You can also verify the address and set it to the USPS standard format using the buttons next to the address.

Customer notes

Once you’ve selected a customer, navigate to Customer Note Manager.

Click 'Add' in the top right corner to create a new customer note.

Enter a title for the note. Choose a note category from the category drop-down. The list of categories can be customized in Settings > Customer >  Note Categories. Enter the note, then click ‘save’ when you're done.

Customer docs

Once you have selected a specific customer, select 'Customer Docs'. 

To upload a new document, click the 'Add' button in the top right corner.

Name the document and select a document section from the section drop-down menu. (You can customize the list of sections in Settings > Customer > Labeling > Document Sections.) 

Drag and drop your file into the window, then click ‘save’. The file you chose will be uploaded to the customer account, and you'll see it listed on the account including options to download, edit, or inactivate the document.

Customer documents can be set to active or inactive to help keep track of which documents are the most recent and filter them by its status. To do this, click the three dots to the right of the document listing and choose to set the document to active or inactive. Documents that are inactive cannot be edited, but they can still be downloaded.

Customer tools

Customer tools are located in the Customer > Customer Tools tab inside an individual loan. 

Customer tools include address validator, OFAC InstaCheck, credit scores, and CCPA/PIPEDA. 

Address validator

The address validator is an integration with USPS, which checks an address against their database to ensure it's a legitimate location mail can be sent to. (Note that this doesn't guarantee your borrower actually lives there, just that the address itself is valid.)

For more details, check out our article USPS Address Validator.


OFAC Instacheck

OFAC InstaCheck will test the data entered for a customer against the federal database of specially designated nationals.

If a customer is on the list of specially designated nationals, when you run OFAC InstaCheck, you will be given instructions that include a phone number to call. 


Credit Score

This section lets you pull and view borrower credit scores. For more information, check out our full article on credit pulling.



The CCPA/PIPEDA tab lets you request to export or delete a customer's PII (personal identifiable information) in accordance with the CCPA, PIPEDA, and other privacy laws.


Links & Access

The Links & Access section displays all of the accounts (whether installment, lease, or line of credit) that a customer is linked to and their access for customer communication. 

Access options

Each account listing gives the following data and options:

Data Description
Account This is the account ID. (You can click this to be taken to the account.)
Status This is the account status.
Payoff  This is the payoff amount for the account.
Principal Balance This is the remaining principal balance on the account.
Next Due Date This shows the upcoming due date for the next payment. 
Next Due Date Amount This shows the amount for the upcoming payment. 
DPD This is the number days past due the account currently is.
APD This is the amount past due on the account.
Role This is the customer’s role on the account.
Email Access This setting lets you choose whether the customer will receive email notifications from the system about this account.
Web Access

This setting lets you choose whether the customer will have access to this account on the customer website.

SMS Access This setting lets you choose whether the customer will receive SMS notifications from the system about this account.

Communication history

Once you've selected the Communication History tab, you can use the tabs at the top of the page to navigate through the different sections: SMS, Email History, and Smart Mail House.


The SMS section of the history page will show a running communication between your company and the customer that includes all sent and received messages.


Email history

The email history will capture the first 500 characters (excluding HTML) of your email messages. It will show information for emails that were manually sent or emails that were automatically sent by the system.


Smart Mail House

The mail house section will show all the pieces of physical mail that have been sent to the customer through the Connections Smart Mail House service. You can view the Tracking History and Current Status of your mail by clicking the arrow on the right side of each section. 


Customer roles

Multiple customers can be assigned to one loan account. Each account must have a ‘Primary’ customer and any additional customers can either be assigned as Secondary, Other, or Authorized User. The customer role is important for credit reporting because only the Primary or Authorized User can be included on credit reports. To ensure you're reporting meets your needs, reach out to your LoanPro contact. 

To assign a customer role, open an account and navigate to Customer > Customer Manager. Here, all customers attached to the account will be displayed and their role is listed under their name. 

To change the customer's role, click the three dots on their card and select the role you'd like to apply. 

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