Loan settings
Control the account settings that affect how loans are grouped and serviced.
Loan settings are the options on a loan that affect how the loans are grouped and serviced. The loan settings area is separated into four sections: account settings, custom fields, convenience Fee, and portfolio. This article will explain in more depth the account settings and custom fields sections, along with how to number accounts. To learn more about the other two sections, read our articles on logging a charge and portfolios.
To view or edit loan settings on a specific loan,, navigate to Loan Settings > Settings. The page will display the current settings on the account. There is an edit button for each section of settings.
Account settings

Here are the options for account settings:
Setting | Description |
Agent User | This is a user within your company that is specifically assigned to this loan. You can filter the loans in the account manager and in most reports by the agent user. |
Source Company |
Company that referred the customer to you. You can filter the loans in the account manager and in most reports by source company. You can create new source companies at Settings > Loan > Source Company > Companies. When you're viewing the settings, you can click the arrow next to the source company to expand its contact information. |
Loan Status | Status assigned to the loan. |
Sub-status | Sub-status assigned to the loan. |
Primary ECOA Code |
These Equal Credit Opportunity Act (ECOA) codes are used when reporting credit. The code describes how the primary customer is responsible for the loan. Available codesHere's a list of the available codes:
Secondary ECOA Code | Similar to the Primary ECOA code, these describe the secondary borrower's responsibility over the loan. The options are the same as for the primary borrower. |
Reporting Type | The loan is reported to the credit bureaus as being this type of loan. The options are Installment, Revolving, Line of Credit, Mortgage, and Open. |
Merchant Processor Group | Determines which group of payment processors handle payments from the loan. |
Payment Type Default | This determines the default payment type (principal only, fees only, etc.). This field allows you to set a default that is specific to this loan, but you can also leave it as your company default. This available options comprise both LoanPro default types and any custom types that you've created, and a full list is available within Settings > Loan > Payments > Types. |
Display ID | This field can be used to update your loan ID. Check the box next to the field to edit it. |
Credit Status |
A status used in credit bureau reporting to indicate delinquency or other status of the loan. Credit statusesHere's a full list of available credit statuses:
Credit Bureau |
These codes are used to specify a loan category in your reports to credit bureaus. Credit bureau optionsHere's a full list of the codes used to specify loan type:
AutoPay Status | The status of automatic payments scheduled for the loan account. You can choose to suspend payments or have them process normally. |
EBilling | Choose whether electronic billing or print billing is preferred on the account. |
Reposession Date | The date on which loan collateral was repossessed. If you check the Stop Interest Accrual box next to this field, interest will no longer accrue on the loan as of this date. |
Close Date | The date the loan was closed. If you check the Stop Interest Accrual box next to this field, interest will no longer accrue on the loan as of this date. |
Liquidation Date | The date repossessed collateral from this account was resold. If you check the Stop Interest Accrual box next to this field, interest will no longer accrue on the loan as of this date. |
Follow Up Date | A date when servicing agents should follow up with the loan. This is displayed in the loan header. |
Custom fields
LoanPro’s LMS lets you create custom fields to store data that the system doesn’t track by default. Any custom field you create will go across all of the loans or customers within your company. You can view your loan custom fields under the ‘custom fields’ section of the ‘Loan Settings’ tab.

Create a new Custom Field
To manage your custom fields, navigate to Settings > Loan > Custom Fields > Custom inside your company account. Here, there are buttons across the top of the page that allow you to select the type of custom field you want to create. You can create loan custom fields for five different areas: loan setup, loan settings, collateral tracking, insurance tracking, and bankruptcy.
Listed within each section are the custom fields you've created. The order of the custom fields here determines their order within the actual loan, and you can drag-and-drop the icon on the left of each field to reorder them. The pencil icon will let you edit an existing field, or you can click the 'Add' button in the top right to make a new one.
The following options are available for new custom fields:
- Active: Choose whether the field is displayed in the loan file.
- Field name: Name of the field that should distinguish this custom field from other custom fields you create.
- Field type: Type of data that should be entered into the field. This will control how the field appears and how the data in the field is formatted. The available options are:
- Associated company: Company from your company directory that's associated with the loan.
- Checkbox: Custom checkbox field.
- Currency: Number formatted as currency (e.g. 9,999.99).
- Date: Date field. When displayed, the date will not be converted to the local timezone.
- Date Time: Date and time displayed as two fields. The date field includes a date picker and the time field is a dropdown of times in five-minute increments.
- Number: Will not accept any letters, only numbers and some special characters.
- Percentage: Works like a number field, but will appear with a percentage tag adjacent to the field.
- Phone: Only accepts numbers formatted as (999) 999-9999.
- Select: Selection box. Entering option values will be covered later in this article.
- Text: Allows all character types and a maximum of 255 characters.
- Time: Dropdown of times in five-minute increments.
- Web URL: Must be a valid URL format (e.g. When the value for Web URL fields is displayed, it will be a clickable hyperlink for easy navigation to the URL.
- Auto calculate: Choose to have the field be used to calculate one of the loan numbers.
- Include in credit report: Designate a field to be included in the exported credit reporting data.
- Include as a custom option in the Account Manager: Choose a column in the Account Manager that will display the value for this field for each loan returned in your loan search results.
- Include In Loan Status Archive – Choosing “Yes” for this option will save the value of this field daily in the Loan Status Archive.
- Required: Choose to make it a requirement to enter a value for the field before the data for the designated loan section can be saved.
- Searchable: Only available for phone numbers and text. Choose to be able to search the value entered into this field in order to find loans in the Account Manager.
- Max length: Only available for text and Web URL fields. Enter a numeric value for the maximum number of characters that can be entered into the field.
- Default value: Enter a default value for the field.
- Configure Select Options: Only available for select fields. Enter the options that will be available in the selection.
Once you have input the necessary data for the field, click ‘Save’.
How to enter selection options
LoanPro provides a few templates for selections you might want to use, which you can access by clicking 'Preset Templates'. These selections include:
- Yes/No
- Rent/Own/Live with relatives
- US States
You can also enter any options you want. Each line you enter represents a single option. Enter the options in the following format:
id_1, value_1
id_2, value_2
As an example, if you want to enter a simple "Yes/No" selection, you would enter the options like this:
1, YES
2, NO
To enter options for your selection, click on the box. Then enter the options into the box.
Importing a custom field via CSV Import tool
For more information on how to create a CSV Import, take a look at our Import article. Navigate to Settings > Company > Import > Instructions and Samples to import a custom field. From there, download the custom field sample which will look something like this.
All of the column headers are required to create a custom field. Under the link to download the custom field sample is a chart that describes how to fill in the columns in the CSV.

After entering in the information for your custom field in the excel sheet, make sure it is saved. Navigate to Settings > Company > Import > Upload and History inside your company account. Click 'Add' to pull up an upload page, and select a category. You can drag and drop the file you created in Excel to the drop files box. Click ‘Save’.

Account numbering
When a new loan or lease account is created in LoanPro, an ID is assigned so that the account can be uniquely identified. The ID can be assigned by LoanPro, manually, or automatically by LoanPro with the ability to define parameters. We will explain the third option as it is the most common.
To update the settings for account numbering, navigate to Settings > Loan > Labeling > Account Numbering inside your company account. Click ‘Edit’ to edit the numbering settings.

The numbering options are:
Field | Description |
Customer Numbering | Choose whether account IDs should be assigned using this numbering method. |
Next In Sequence | Number is assigned by you where the numbering sequence will start.This number + the Sequence Step will be part of the next ID. |
Sequence Step | ‘Next In Sequence’ number will be incremented by the number entered in this field each time a new ID is assigned. |
Use VIN for Auto Loans | Choose to use the collateral VIN as the ID for auto loans. |
VIN Digits | If you chose to use the VIN as the ID for auto loans, specify how many digits of the VIN should be used. The digits used will start from the end of the VIN, so if you enter 6, the system will use the last six digits of the VIN. |
Numbering Prefix |
Choose whether the account ID should have a prefix added to it. Your options are:
Custom Prefix | Only shown if the ‘Numbering Prefix’ selection is ‘Custom’. Enter a custom prefix that will be added to the beginning of your account IDs. |
Numbering Suffix |
Choose whether a suffix should be added to your account IDs. Your options are:
Numbering Delimiter Character | Enter a character that will be used to separate the prefix main ID number and suffix. |
Once the settings have been updated, click ‘Save’.
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