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Payment custom fields

Add user-defined fields to your payments.

LoanPro’s LMS lets you create custom fields to store data that the system doesn’t track by default. Any custom field you create will go across all of the loans or customers within your company. This article will cover payment custom fields, which are not associated with the customer or loan directly. With payment custom fields, fields such as payment location or reference id can be added to collect and organize more information about a payment. 

Create a new custom field

To create a new payment custom field, navigate to Settings > Loan > Payments > Custom Fields within your company account. Click the 'Add' button in the top right.

The following information can be entered for each custom field:

  • Active: Choose whether the field is displayed in the payment.
  • Field name: Name of the field. You should choose a name that will distinguish this from other payment custom fields.
  • Field type: Designate the type of information the field will hold. The available options are as follows: 
    • Associated company
    • Checkbox
    • Currency
    • Date
    • Date time
    • Time
    • Number
    • Percentage
    • Text (maximum length 255 characters)
    • Select
    • Phone
    • Web URL
  • Column in history payment exported report: Select whether this field should be included in an export.
  • Required: Choose whether users will be required to enter information for this field to log a payment.
  • Default value: Choose the value the field will start with when users log a payment.  For select fields this should be the key, not the value.

Some field types will have additional information depending on which one you choose:

  • Directory: Only appears if you choose the ‘Associated Company’ field type. This option lets you choose from the associated company directories that you set up in your company account.
  • Description: Only appears if you choose the ‘Checkbox’ field type. The description is the text that appears next to the checkbox. 
  • Searchable: Only appears if you choose the ‘Phone’ field type. This option determines whether you’d like to have the phone number searchable or not.
  • Max length (characters): Only available if you choose either the ‘Text’ or ‘Web URL’ field type. The total number of characters that can be entered into the field. 
  • Configure select options: Only available if you choose the ‘Select’ field type. Here you’ll be able to enter a list of choices that agent users can choose from when logging a payment. 
    • Click ‘Preset Templates’ to access the templates LoanPro provides for selections you might want. These include:
      • YES/NO
      • TRUE/FALSE
      • Rent/Own/Live with relatives
      • US States
    • You can also enter any options you want. Each line you enter represents a single option. Enter the options in the following format:
      • id_1
      • value_1. 
        • For example, if you want to enter a ‘Yes/No’ selection, you would type into the box [inline text]
          • 1, YES 
          • 2, NO

Click 'Save' to save the field. 

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