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Automated communication

Send personalized communication to your borrowers without manual input.

LoanPro allows you to set up email, Interactive SMS, system, and Smart Mail House notifications to be sent out when specific criteria is met or an event occurs on a customer's account. These are called event-based or trigger-based system notifications. The notification engine is a centralized location for viewing these notifications and others within your company account.

Notification center

The notification engine is located in Tools > Notification Center. In the notification engine, you’ll see an events and triggers section and a system section. 

The events and triggers section lets you view all of the notifications that occur based on actions taken for events and triggers set up in your company account. To see how to subscribe your user for event or trigger notifications, see the “Configure Agent Users” section of the Agent Users article. You also have options to help you search for or filter notifications including keywords, date ranges, and read status. On the left, you can choose to view only the notifications from a specific event or trigger.

The system section works just like the events and triggers section except the notifications are generated by the system based on events and triggers that LoanPro tracks natively.

Event-based notifications

Event-based notifications are sent out when a specified event happens, like a transaction, a change in loan status or portfolio, or activity on the customer portal. There are a variety of events that are native to LoanPro, but you also have the ability to create your own events. You can view the events listed in your company account by going to Settings > Notification Engine > Event Based Notifications.

Create an event-based notification

To create an event-based notification, navigate to Settings > Company > Automated Notifications > Event Based Triggers. On this page, you'll see a long list of available events. To add a notification for any of these, click the pencil icon to the right.

List of company events

Here's a full list of the events that can set off a notification:

Loan Servicing

  • Insurance Tracking Updated
  • Autopay Failed
  • Autopay Scheduled/Created
  • Loan Settings Updated
  • Loan Commitment Created
  • Loan Collateral Tracking Updated
  • Document attached to Account
  • New Token Issued

Transactions on Account

  • Advancement Posted to Account
  • Credit Posted to Account
  • Past Due Adjustment Posted to Account
  • Change Due Date Posted to Account
  • Enhanced Funding Transaction Posted to Account
  • Payment Posted to Account
  • Payment Reversed
  • Loan Charge Posted
  • Loan Charge Reversed

Account Lifecycle and Setup

  • Archive Account
  • Delete Account
  • Account Created
  • Account Modified
  • Account Activated

Customer-Facing Website Activity

  • Customer Logs into Customer Website
  • Customer Website Document Upload

Primary Customer on Loan Account Activity

  • Customer Created
  • Customer Updated
  • Payment Profile Added
  • Employer Updated
  • References Added

Tenant-Level Activity

  • Agent User Created
  • Daily Maintenance - Queued
  • Daily Maintenance - In Progress
  • Daily Maintenance - Completed
  • Import Updated
  • Import Validated
  • Import Ingested
  • Import Verified
  • Import Completed

Line of Credit Events

  • Line of Credit Created
  • Line of Credit Payment Posted
  • Line of Credit Swipe Posted
  • Line of Credit Charge Posted
  • Line of Credit Credit Posted
  • Line of Credit Bucket Posted
  • Finance Charge Posted
  • Statement Generated

Custom Events
In addition to the events above, you can create a custom event-based notification for any change of loan status or portfolios.


Custom events

You can also create your own event based on a status or portfolio change. To create a new notification, click 'Add' in the top right corner. You'll first enter all the information about the custom event, and later add the linked notifications that get sent out when the event happens on an account. Here's a breakdown of each field. 

Field Description
Name A name for the event-based notification.
Description This description will be listed below the name. We recommend briefly summarizing the event, the linked notifications, and any large process that it fits into.
Applies For Whether this event-based notification is for installment loans, lines of credit, or both.
Display System Notifications As Pop-Up If you add system notifications to this event, this lets you toggle whether they'll appear as pop-up messages or only in the notification engine.
Select Event

This field lets you select what specific event will set off the notification. There are five options: 

  • Loan status change: Send a notification when a new status is applied, a current status is removed, or one specific status is changing to another. You can add several changes that will each trigger the event. Choose ‘Add Status Change’ to select a ‘From Status’ and a ‘To Status’. When finished, click ‘Add’.
  • Portfolio change: Send a notification when a new tag is added, a current tag is removed, or a combination of the two. You can add several changes that will each trigger the event. Choose ‘Add Portfolio Change’ to choose what is added to a portfolio or removed from a portfolio. First select the category, then the portfolio, then the sub-portfolio if applicable. When finished, click ‘Add’. 
  • Quick Action: Send a notification when a Quick Action (either automatic or agent-initiated) is run on a line of credit account. 
  • Checklist change: Send a notification when a checklist item is checked or unchecked. You can add several changes that will each trigger the event. Choose ‘Add Checklist Item Update’ to select the ‘Update Type’ and ‘Checklist’. When finished, click ‘Add’. 
  • Enhanced Funding: Send a notification when the Enhanced Funding tool is used on a loan. 

Linked notification

After the event information, you'll see a list of linked notifications and a ‘Add’ button that lets you create more. On the left of each notification is a toggle button that lets you enable or disable it. On the right, there are buttons to edit the notification or delete it altogether.

When you add or edit a notification, it'll pull up a window asking for ‘Type’. Changing this field will bring up different fields depending on the type of message you're configuring.

Trigger-based notifications

Trigger-based notifications are based on the Clojure rules that you can create within the system. Users create a rule that looks for something specific, such as when when a loan payment becomes a day late. Each day during daily maintenance, the system will evaluate the rule against each account, and if the rule is true, the notification is sent. 

If you are unfamiliar with writing Clojure rules, visit our Clojure article. You can view the triggers listed in your company account by going to Settings > Company > Automated Notifications > Dynamic Triggers.

Create a trigger-based notification

To begin, navigate to Settings > Company > Automated Notifications > Dynamic Triggers. To create the notification, click 'Add' in the top right corner. Provide a name and description for the new notification.

Next, you can create a trigger that will cause the notification to be sent. Click 'Empty' to create a new rule. Clicking this text will display the ‘Formula Editor’ window where you can add a new or existing rule. The ‘Formula Editor’ features a text box where you can write your own Clojure rules. If you are writing a new rule, use the bottom half of the window to search for context variables to use in your rules. You can also add a rule you've already created by clicking 'Load Existing Rule'.

After you have written a Clojure statement, click 'Validate this rule' to make sure your syntax is correct. You won't be able to create an automated notification with an invalid rule. Note that while the system checks for invalid syntax, it can't check for accurate logic. In other words, you can easily create a correctly written rule that doesn't do what you want it to do. Thus, make sure to validate your rules as well as read through them yourself to make sure they are accurate. Click 'Save' to finalize the rule the system will check for.

Notification methods

Once rule criteria is met or an event has been set, you will need to determine what kind of notification to send out.


System notifications are sent inside the software to your agent users. These notifications cannot be sent to customers. You must enroll your agent users for them to receive notifications. Visit our enrollment and history article to learn how.  

After enrolling agent users, the following configuration options are available you you In either the event-based or trigger-based notification page:

  • Notification Status – Determines whether this notification should be active or not. If this action is set to 'Off', the notification will not be sent out.
  • Display As Pop-up – Determines whether to have a popup show on the display whenever the notification is triggered.

If you choose to create a trigger-based system notification, you have one additional option:

  • Evaluate In Real Time – Setting this to 'On' will cause the system to evaluate the rule every time an event (such as a new payment) that causes the numbers on the loan to be recalculated occurs on a customer account. Otherwise, the rule will be evaluated only when customer accounts are updated daily by the system.

The bottom section of the page is where you can create the message that will appear in the notification engine and the popup notification. You can use LoanPro’s variables in both the message and the popup message. Variables merge customer and account information into the message to make it more informative. To use variables, click the 'Help Variables' button. 


Email notifications can be sent to either the customer, agent user, or both. These notifications are designed to keep you in contact with your customers and ensure that your agent users are updated on their customer's account activity. For agent users to receive notifications, they must be enrolled. For more information on enrollment, visit our Enrollment and History article. 

You can choose the basic information for the email in the top section of both event and trigger based notifications. The options are:

  • Email Status – Choose whether this email should be active or not. If this action is set to Off, the email will not be sent out.
  • Email Subject – The subject of the email.
  • Deliver To – Who should receive this email. You can choose to have customers, agent users, or both, as well as the source company's primary contact.
  • From Address – This dropdown contains the list of verified email addresses for your company. It will be defaulted to "Company Primary Email", which means that these notifications can start to work as soon as a primary email address is verified for your company. Choose the email address that this email should be coming from.
  • From Title – This is the display name that will be shown to the customer when they receive the email.

The bottom section is where you will enter the body of the email that will be sent. LoanPro's variables are also available so that the information in the email will be specific to the recipient.

Default messages

LoanPro provides default messages for each event-based email notification. To see the actual messages and how they are formatted, select one of the default messages, choose “System” and scroll down to the bottom portion of the page.

For each default message, the ‘From Address’ will be the primary company email address and the ‘From Title’ will be the company name. 

Notification name Purpose Subject Deliver to
Insurance Tracking Updated To inform the borrower that their insurance information has been updated Your Insurance Tracking Info Has Been Updated Customer & Agent
AutoPay Failed To notify the borrower that an automatic payment failed on their account An Automatic Payment Failed on Your Account Customer & Agent
AutoPay Scheduled/Created The notify the borrower that an automatic payment was scheduled on their account AutoPay Created Customer & Agent
Loan Settings Updated To notify the borrower that the loan settings on their account were updated Loan Settings Updated for Loan # [Loan ID] Customer & Agent
Loan Commitment Created To notify the borrower that a commitment was created on their account Commitment Created Customer
Loan Collateral Updated To notify the borrower that the loan collateral was updated on their account Collateral Updated For Loan # [Loan ID] Customer & Agent
Document Attached to Account To notify the borrower that a document was attached to their account A Document has been Added Account # [Loan ID] Customer & Agent
Advancement Posted to Account To notify the borrower that an advancement was posted on their account New Advancement Issued Customer & Agent
Credit Posted to Account To notify the borrower that a credit was posted on their account New Credit Posted Customer
Past Due Adjustment Posted to Account To notify the borrower that a past-due adjustment was posted on their account Past Due Adjustment Made Customer
Change Due Date Posted to Account To notify the borrower that a payment due date was changed on their account Payment Due Date Changed Customer
Enhanced Funding Transaction Posted to Account To notify the borrower that their loan has been funded Account Funded Customer
Payment Posted to Account To notify the borrower that a payment was posted on their account [Customer Name] Payment on Loan [Loan ID] for $[Payment Amount] Customer & Agent
Payment Reversed To notify the borrower that a payment was reversed on their account Payment Reversed Customer & Agent
Loan Charge Posted To notify the borrower that a charge was assessed on their account A Fee Has Been Assessed On Loan Account [Loan ID] Customer
Loan Charge Reversed To notify the borrower that a charge was reversed on their account A Fee Has Been Removed From Loan Account [Loan ID] Customer
Archive Account To notify the borrower that their account was archived Account Archived Customer
Delete Account To notify the agent that an account was deleted LOAN #[Loan ID] HAS BEEN DELETED Agent
Account Created To give the borrower information about the lender and their loan Account [Loan ID] Created Agent
Account Modified To notify the agent that a loan was modified Loan [Loan ID] Modified Agent
Account Activated Account Activated
To notify the agent that an account was activated
Loan [Loan ID] Activated Agent
Customer Logs into Customer Website To notify the borrower that their online account was successfully logged into Online Access to Account [Loan ID] Customer & Agent
Customer Created To notify the agent that a customer has been created in the company account Customer Created Agent
Customer Updated To notify the borrower that their file in the company account was updated Customer Updated Customer & Agent
Payment Profile Added To notify the borrower that a payment profile was added for their account New Payment Profile Added Customer & Agent
Employer Updated To notify the borrower that their employer information was updated Employer Information Has Been Updated on Account #[Loan ID] Customer & Agent
References Added To notify the borrower that references were added to their file New References Have Been Added For [Customer Name] Customer & Agent
Agent User Created To notify employees of the company that a new user was created New User Created Customer & Agent

Interactive SMS

SMS text messages can only be sent to your customers within your LoanPro customer accounts. You can't send SMS text messages to agent users. 
Before you begin sending SMS notifications, we recommend reading our Interactive SMS article to learn how to set it up in your company account and understand how it works. With SMS notifications, you will need to select a template notification message, which can be found in the previously linked article. 

Smart Mail House

Smart Mail House will send physical mail to customers. Through Connections, you can create mail inside of LoanPro and we'll send it to one of our integrated services that will print the mail, place it in an envelope, and mail it to the customer. Similar to SMS notifications, you will need to select a template that you can create. Our Smart Mail House article goes over how to set up Smart Mail House and  create these templates inside of LoanPro. 

In both notification pages, click the 'Templates' button or dropdown menu to select which template you want to use. Once you choose a template, you will see a preview of the message. Once you've set up your mail house notification, you can track the status of mail that's been sent out by navigating to Tools > Customer Communication > Smart Mail House.


Along with the SMS, email, system and mail house notifications, there is also an option to use a webhook. A webhook is used to connect two programs to create an alert when an event occurs. Webhooks involve some technical knowledge to set up. You can read more about webhooks and how they work for event-based and trigger-based notifications in our Base Communications Suite article. 


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