How to use source companies.
"Source company" is a flexible label, and LoanPro lets you use them in whatever way best suits your needs. Some users might use source companies to keep track of where their loans originate, such as auto lots, loan brokers, or any other business that refers customers to them. LoanPro users with several brick-and-mortar locations might instead use the field to keep track of where their loans originated and are serviced (To facilitate this, LoanPro has also added features like the Cash Drawer and Vault to help you keep track of money at these locations).
Whatever your intended use for source companies, the Source Company Manager will help you configure and keep track of them.
Main page and navigation
From anywhere in LoanPro, go to the banner across the top of the page and click Users > Source Manager.
Dashboard, search, and results
The main page features a small dashboard across the top of the page showing the total number of source companies, how many cash drawers are active, and the total sum of cash in all vaults. Just below this dashboard is a search bar. You can filter by status, country, and state/province, or search for a specific name, email, zip code or phone number.
To the right of the search bar is a button to create a New Source Company (see below)
At the far right is a button with three vertical dots; this is used to import or export source companies. Clicking 'Export All to CSV' will prompt a small notification saying that the export process has started. Then, a red number will appear on the icon just beneath the import/export button, telling how many reports are currently being generated.
Search results
Beneath the search bar are all of your source companies. There's no limit on the number of source companies you can set up, but this page will show 10 by default, and a button in the lower left-hand corner will let you adjust that view to 25 or 50 companies. Each entry will list the source company's name, city, state, vault balance, number of active cash drawers, activity status, and primary contact. You can also add a photo, and the green or grey dot indicates whether the source company is active or inactive, respectively. Clicking on the headings for any of these column headings will let you sort, and clicking again will let you toggle whether they're sorted with ascending or descending values.
Clicking the box on the left will let you select specific source companies; a banner at the bottom of the screen will give the option to export only those you've selected.
Creating a new Source Company
From this page, click the 'New Source' button in the top right, just below the dashboard. This takes you to a new screen where you'll enter that source company's information.
General info
The first page covers general info about the new source company, like the company's name, phone number, prefix and suffix.
Prefixes and suffixes will edit the ID of loans created with this source company, and can be used to more easily distinguish where a loan originated. To enable this, navigate to Settings > Loan > Labeling > Account Numbering. Click the ‘Edit’ button at the top right and choose “Source Company” for both the ‘Suffix’ and ‘Prefix’ drop-down menu.
Once you've set up the prefix and suffix for your source company, the loan ID will immediately change when creating a loan. This change will also apply to any pre-existing loans that are assigned to a source company.
Going back to the 'General' page when creating a new source company, this page will also include any custom fields you've created for your source companies; the image below includes fields for a store number, time zone, and branch size.
Scrolling further down, there are fields for the source company's address. When you're done entering the information, click 'Next' to move on to the Employees page.
The second page of source company creation lets you add employees. They can be added from your existing LoanPro users, or you can create new Users with the button in the top right. This section is typically used by tenants whose source companies are brick-and-mortar locations — this let's them connect an employee to a cash drawer or vault.
You can use the search bar to search for a specific agent user or filter your results by status using the ‘Status’ dropdown menu.
If you'd like a specific employee to be the primary contact, click the circle under the ‘Primary Contact’ column for the employee. You can only have one employee be the primary contact.
When you've added all the employees you want, go ahead and click 'Save' in the bottom right corner. Your new source company is saved, and you'll now be able to add it to a loan in Loan Settings.
Within a source company
Once you've created a source company, you can navigate through each of it's tabs to edit information, manage transactions, and assign employees.
Info tab
The Info tab holds the source's general information, location, and primary contact. Clicking on the edit icon for the primary contact will pull up a list of all the agents linked to the company, and you can select a primary contact from among them. You can also add a payment profile and physical check funding account to facilitate transactions with the source. The Info tab also holds a few fields that govern cash drawers, like terminal numbers, notifications, and transaction limits.
This is just basic info about the source, like their name, phone, and whether they're active in LoanPro. The prefix and suffix fields will be added to the loan ID of new loans created with this source, which will help you see at a glance what source generated the loan. In the example shown below, a new loan that would have had an ID of 470 would now have an ID of 2B1L-470-5. You can use these fields to track store numbers, company names, or any other label that you want in your loan IDs.
If the status toggle is turned on, the company will be an available option when setting up loans.
The general section can also be modified to include any custom fields that you want, like the store number and time zone in this example. This labels can be edited within Settings > Source Tracking > Custom Fields.
The location section includes fields for the complete address: country, state or province, city, postal code, and address.
Primary Contact
Set an employee who's your main point of contact with the company. You can set any of the LoanPro users associated with the company on the employees tab.
When doing this keep in mind that you will have the option to send a trigger-based emails to this contact. When creating a trigger-based notification just make sure to click the 'Deliver To' drop down and select 'Source Company Primary Contact'.
Payment Profile
This payment profile is used when funding a loan through the source, such as paying an auto lot who then gives a vehicle to the customer.
Physical Check Enhanced Funding Account
If your source does funding with physical checks, you can set up these fields to print your check with the correct information. For more information on how to fund a loan using a physical check, see our funding article.
Cash Drawers must be used with a terminal, the actual register where the drawer is active.
Here you can set up notifications that will go off if a cash drawer has too little or too much money. These ranges aren't hard-and-fast limits; they won't stop users from making transactions, but you can turn on notifications to tell those agents to make adjustments.
Cash Drawer Transaction Limits
When you make a transaction with a cash drawer, you'll need to select a reason for the transaction. Here, you can set a hard upper limit that will prevent any transactions greater than the amount you specify.
Notes tab
The main page for the Note Manager tab shows a dashboard, search bar and a list of the notes you've made on this source company. Each note displays its title, full content, category, and information about who created it and when. At the far right of each entry is an icon with three vertical dots. Clicking it will bring up options to edit or delete the note, or add a document connected to it.
Writing a new note
To add a new note, click the Add Note button on the Note Manager Tab. It'll pull up this window, where you'll give the note a title and category. The title can be whatever you'd like, and the category gives the options that you've created in your source company settings.
You can format with the typical options you'd see in a word processor—like fonts, alignment, and bullets—or view the HTML source code for the note by clicking the angled brackets icon. The mountain landscape icon will let you imbed an image. The eye icon offers a preview.
Documents tab
The main page for the Documents tab shows a search bar and a list of the documents you've made on this source company. Each entry includes a document title, a section, the file itself, a button to toggle activity, and information about the author who added it.
- Title: A name you give to the document.
- ID: A number that LoanPro assigns to the document.
- Section: A label pulled from your source company settings.
- File: The file you uploaded.
- Active: Whether the document is active or not.
- Author: The LoanPro user who added the document.
- Author IP: The author's IP address.
- Created: A timestamp of when the document was added.
Adding a new document
To add a new document, click the Add Document button to the right of the search bar. It pulls up this window, where you'll title the document, assign it a section, and add the file itself. The title can be whatever you'd like, and the section pulls from the list of labels you create in your source company settings.
When you've added the file, click Save, and it will appear in the list with the others on the Documents tab.
Employees tab
The Employees tab displays all of the users you've assigned to this source company. At the top left, there is a search bar where you can enter an individual agent's ID, name, email or phone number. You can also filter by status (whether the employee is an active LoanPro user) and agent role. Their role will allow or restrict their access within the source company.
An individual employee can be assigned to multiple source companies. (Infinite companies, really. There's no limit). If staff work in or oversee multiple locations, this lets them use the cash drawers, vault, and other source company features at every source company they're assigned to. At each of those companies, they'll have the same level of access, which is granted by their role.
Below the search bar, you'll see all of the agents linked to the company, or just those who match your search. Each entry gives the employee's name, picture (if you've added one), position, phone, email, agent role within LoanPro, and status as a LoanPro user.
Clicking the ‘Manage Users’ button in the top right corner will take you to a full list of agent users connected to your LoanPro account. Like the last page, there is a search bar you can use to find individual agents, and you can sort by status as an active LoanPro user. Each entry includes the agent's name, contact info, and role, and to the left of each entry is a checkable box. To add users to the source company, check the boxes next to each and then click the Update button in the bottom right. Removing an employee works the same way — just uncheck their box and click Update.
In the top right corner, there's a button to create a new user. Clicking it will bring up a window with fields for the user's name, contact info, status as a LoanPro user, and other information. Once you create them, they'll appear in the list of all the users in your LoanPro account. Just check the box beside their name and click the Update button, and they'll be added to the source company.
Cash drawer and vault tabs
The cash drawer and vault tabs are used for managing cash transactions at a branch. For more info, check out the article on Cash Drawers and the Vault.
Tenant-level settings
However you choose to use source companies, these tenant-level settings will affect the defaults and options available to all of the source companies you create.
You can navigate to these settings from the banner at the top of LoanPro: click Settings > Source Tracking. The page is sorted into Custom Fields, Labeling, and Defaults.
Custom fields
Since tenants can use source companies in a variety of ways, custom fields allow you to keep track of additional information as suits your needs. You can configure the name for the field, and whether it's required when you create a new source company.
These settings control the options available to label different items within source companies.
Cash drawer transaction reasons
One of the labels you can edit is the reason associated with a cash drawer transaction. The page lists all the reasons you have saved, and each entry includes an ID, title (the actual label), and an active status (whether the label is currently usable in the Source Company Manager.
When you click add, there are two options. "Name" is simply the label itself; "Active" determines whether the label will be usable on transactions.
Document categories
These are the categories for source company documents. The user interface looks just like it does for cash drawer transaction reasons, listing the ID, title (label), and whether it is active. Here, you can add, edit, or delete document categories.
Note categories
These are the categories available for source company notes. This page also looks just like those for the other labeling settings; each entry has an ID, title (label), and active status. You can add new category labels, and edit or delete existing ones.
These settings control some of the defaults for Cash Drawers and Vaults.
Cash Drawer transaction limits
These settings let you limit how much money can be exchanged for different kinds of transactions. You can set a different limit for each of the cash drawer transaction reasons (see that section above).
When you click "Add Transaction Limit," it pulls up a window with options for a reason (one of your cash drawer transaction reasons) and cash limit.
Cash Drawer max/min
When a cash drawer holds too little or too much money, you can set up notifications to alert the user so they can either add cash or deposit some to the vault. Here, you can set the defaults for tenant-wide settings, but within an individual source company, you can set default limits specific to that company. When you create a new cash drawer, you can change those limits, giving you several levels of control and specificity.
Vault max/min
Just like you can set limits for the cash drawer's balance, you can also set limits for a source company's vault as well.
Cash Drawer and Vault maximum and minimums will send out notifications, but they won't prevent users from logging a transaction that exceeds those limits.
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