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CCPA/PIPEDA Compliance

LMS features that help with remaining CCPA or PIPEDA compliant.

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Audience: Upper Management, Loan Servicing/Collections Managers, Administrators, Compliance


CCPA or California Consumer Privacy Act is intended to protect privacy rights for residents of the state of California, United States. The act allows customers to know what information data companies have regarding them. It gives them the right to consent or deny their information being sold or disclosed, the right to request all the information, and the right to have companies delete all the information they have regarding the customer.

PIPEDA or Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act is a law that was passed in Canada that is very similar to the CCPA. LoanPro has implemented a few features in order to help our clients be at ease in CCPA and PIPEDA compliance.

Check these websites for more information on CCPA or PIPEDA.

Sale of Information

Inside of the customer manager and within an individual customer. There is a yes/no option regarding the sale/transfer of personal information. This button is defaulted to "Yes" for anyone over 16, and defaulted "No" for anyone 15 or younger. You can edit a customer to toggle whether selling and transferring personal information is allowed.

Navigate to Users > Customer Manager, and then select a specific customer. When you do, it'll open up the "Contact and Personal" information page.

Click edit and scroll down to Select the drop-down menu under "Sale/Transfer Personal Information" and select either “Yes" or “No”. The make sure to click the Save button at the top right of the page. 

Export of Information

If a customer makes a request for all the information your company has regarding them or for their information to be deleted, this can be accomplished by navigating inside of an account to Customer > Primary Customer > Customer Tools > CCPA/PIPEDA.

To export personal identifiable information, select the MAKE REQUEST button to the right of Export Personal Identifiable Information.

To open a section select to the right of the section name. Check the box of any variable you would like to export. To select all information available select click here. Once you have selected all of the information you would like to export, click Export.

Once the information is exported, a PDF file will be opened containing all exported information. This information can then be sent to the customer.

Deleting Information

If a customer requests that their personal information be deleted from your company records, in LoanPro navigate inside the account to Customer > Primary Customer > Customer Tools > CCPA/PIPEDA.

To delete personal identifiable information, select the MAKE REQUEST button to the right of Delete Personal Identifiable Information.

To delete personal identifiable information, select the button to the right of Delete Personal Identifiable Information.

Once you have selected, you will see a window allowing you to start the Delete Personal Identifiable Information wizard. Make sure to read the important warnings in the first window of the wizard. Once this wizard is completed, the information requested to be deleted cannot be recovered. The information is completely removed from LoanPro to comply with the CCPA and PIPEDA.

To continue with the wizard, select YES.

To open a section select to the right of the section name. Check the box of any variable you would like to delete. To select all information available select 'click here'. Once you have selected all of the information you would like to delete, click Next.

You will then be asked to Confirm and Validate the personal identifiable information delete. Make sure to read each list item carefully before checking it off.

Once you have checked off each list item select ‘Next’.

The last step of the wizard will ask you to Authenticate your credentials before proceeding. To continue with the personal identifiable information delete, enter your LoanPro login credentials and select Submit.

Once the request has been sent, you will see a green message saying "Request has been submitted".

All information that was selected to be deleted will now be erased from the system. Any place that the information was previously recorded will either be set to Null, the default value, 0, or marked with "XXXXXXX".

You may find two custom forms in the Servicing > Custom Forms > CCPA section of a loan labelled "Export Personal Identifiable Information Form" and "Delete Personal Identifiable Information Form". These forms were created and used before the current CCPA/PIPEDA feature was created in LoanPro. It is highly recommended the the CCPA/PIPEDA tool be used when exporting or deleting customer information, instead of these custom forms.

What's Next?

For more compliance related material, check out our Compliance folder. You may also be interested in reading our Customer Manager article that explains how LoanPro keeps customer information.

Written by Andy Morrise

Updated on July 27th, 2024

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